Sent files

On this page you can see an overview of the sent files, which in most cases is equivalent to payment orders. The left column in the overview is accordingly referred to as Order. The data in this column consists of the description of the order, and in brackets the order type and order number. Preceded is the icon of the bank, to which the file is sent.

Clicking on a line in the overview opens a dialog box with information about the file. This is the data that is displayed in the columns of the overview, as well as information about the signatures rendered and the storage location of the sent file. By clicking on the bar at the bottom, the accompanying ticket becomes visible. With the buttons Previous and Next you can browse through the lines of the overview. By clicking on Print transmission report, a PDF file with the information displayed here is created and downloaded.

Send file to bank

You can create an order by sending a payment file that is available on your computer directly to the bank. To do this, click the button on the left of the bar, which opens the page Send file to bank. You can also import such a payment file and then edit it before sending it to the bank. This procedure is explained in the chapter Payments - Open payments - Import payment. One more way to create an order is to record one or more payments and sign them. If you have signed several similar payments together, they will appear as a single order in the overview on this page. You can find a description of this in the chapter Payments - Record payment.

Update send orders

With the button Update send orders, the customer protocol is retrieved from all configured banks, and the status of the orders is updated if necessary. For example, if you have sent a file to the bank and signed it with your first signature, the order is initially in the state Transmitted, but changes to Waiting for signatures after the update.

Show protocol

To obtain more detailed information about the status of an order, select the order and click Show protocol. A dialog box is then opened, where the customer protocol is displayed. This is created by the bank and contains binding information on the processing of the selected order. You can use the Print button to download the protocol to your computer as a PDF file.

Filter send orders

Clicking on Filter send orders opens a dialog box, where you can select or enter values in several fields, by which the overview is filtered. After a click on Submit, the dialog box closes and the overview is displayed filtered. This is also indicated with a yellow bar. Click the button again to deactivate the filter. A further click opens the dialog box with the previously entered values, which can be changed there or deleted by clicking Reset.

More actions

By clicking on More actions, additional menu items become visible. Save is used to download a single file to your computer in its original format. With Delete you can delete one or more files. This process must be confirmed in a dialog box. The action Export overview saves a CSV file with an overview of the selected lines or all files if no line is selected.

Figure: Overview of the sent files