
Why does the function Synchronize with Android or iPhone app not exist?

There could be two reasons.

  1. Certain versions of the software do not have this function.

  2. If you have a smartcard, this key cannot be transferred to the smartphone, because the keys on smartcards cannot be copied. Therefore, the button is not displayed.

FAQ 24

What can I do if I forgot the USB stick with the keys?

If you have a copy of the keys, for example in a backup, you can use them. To do this, copy the subdirectory with the username under workspace\keys from the backup to the program directory of BL Banking. See also FAQ 28.

FAQ 32

Why does the wizard for the first initialization appear, although I already initialized myself?

After starting BL Banking looks for the folder workspace inside the installation directory. If it doesn't find it, it starts the first initialization wizard.

Furthermore, BL Banking needs the directory keys in the workspace folder. Inside there must be the file users and a subdirectory for each set up user.

The first initialization wizard appears also in case of an invalid users file e.g. if this file is empty. then the users file should be deleted. Afterwards the program recreates a correct users file.

FAQ 47

How can I give a user admin rights?

A user with admin rights can give another user admin rights. To do so, select User administration from the Edit menu. Then mark the user and click on Modify and finally set the checkbox for the admin rights.

See also chapter General - General functions - User administration.

FAQ 50

What is EBICS?

EBICS is a standard for the transfer of payment data over the Internet. EBICS is supported by all banks in Germany and France, as well as certain banks in other countries.

To use EBICS, you need a bank access and a client program, e. g. BL Banking. Regarding the bank access please contact your bank. They will send you the access data that you enter in the client program. This then creates an initialization letter, which you send to the bank as a confirmation.

You can find a general introduction into EBICS in chapter General - EBICS. The quick guide Installation describes the installation of BL Banking.

FAQ 59

How can I recover the files in the user directory if an installation is damaged?

For each user of an installation of BL Banking there is a directory under workspace/keys, for example for the user Max it is C:\blbanking\keys\Max. Besides the license file there are four more files for each set up bank in this directory, <N>.htd, <N>.keybag, <N>.pdf and <N>.properties, whereby here <N> means the internal number of the bank. The bank, which was set up first, has the number 0 (zero), the second the number 1 (one), etc.

To determine in the case of an error, which internal number belongs to which bank, you can open the .htd-files with a text editor. Inside you can see the name of the bank in one of the lines at the top as follows: <Name>name of the bank</Name>.

You can also determine internal number of the bank by another way. In the BL Banking program display the overview Bank connections, then open the context menu with a right mouse click and select Display INI letter. Then the initialization letter is displayed, whereby the name of the file with the number is shown in the title bar, for example 0.pdf, 1.pdf, etc. See also chapter General - First initialization - Initialization letter.

Now you can restore missing or damaged files from a backup. Hereby you have to make sure that the numbers of the four files match with the corresponding bank.

FAQ 77

How can I add a new user to an existing installation of BL Banking?

You can add a new user directly in the BL Banking program.

For this see chapter General - General functions - User administration.

To move a user from an existing installation of BL Banking into another one as an additional user, you need to copy the key directory and add the user to the file users in the directory workspace/keys.

For this see the FAQ 61.

FAQ 85

What can be done if I forgot my password?

There are two approaches, depending on whether you are using a single-user or multi-user installation. For the various types of installations, see chapter General - Installation - Installation scenarios.

Single-user installation

If the data storage is encrypted, there is no way to rescue the data. Instead you must delete the workspace directory and start all over again. Otherwise you can rescue the data, however you have to re-initialize the banks that you have configured. To do so, you first have to contact at least one bank to reset the bank connection.

Then run the program with the parameter --reset-password, e.g. under Windows in the shortcut

"C:\blbanking\BL Banking.exe" --reset-password

or from the command line

"BL Banking.exe" --reset-password

Then re-initalized the bank connections that were reset. If not all bank connections were reset, the error message 091002:EBICS_INVALID_USER_OR_USER_STATE shows up. However you can still log on and subsequently initialize the other bank connections.

If no bank connections were reset at all, the error message will show too, and another message that the password was not changed.

Multi-user installation

You can reset the password of a user via the User administration. For this purpose, you need another user, who must have administrator rights. He would have to log in and reset the password of the respective user. You can find a description for this in the chapter General - General functions - User administration.

FAQ 98

How can I debug SSL problems?

0) Quit BL Banking

1) a) If there is no file "BL Banking.ini" in the installation directory of BL Banking (here: F:\BL Banking), create one with this content:


b) otherwise, make sure to have these two lines


below this line (add it, if not already there)


2) Open a command shell 3) cd into the installation directory of BL Banking, e.g. by executing

cd /d F:\BL Banking

4) start BL Banking and forward all output to file "ssl-out.txt" by executing:

 "BL Banking.exe" > ssl-out.txt 2>&1

5) Now do what ever will bring up the SSL problem and finish BL Banking immediately (otherwise, the SSL log gets real big)

File ssl-out.txt in the installation directory contains the SSL debug output used to analyse the connection problem.

FAQ 198

How to add own icons for banks?

To do so, create a text file with the name in the workspace directory. Therein enter each icon on a separate line in the following format.



In the following example, three symbols are added. These are located in the icons directory below the workspace. The first two are in ico format. The second symbol is specified with an absolute path.

icon2=C:/ProgramData/BL Banking/workspace/icons/icon2.ico

If you now create a new bank connection and click on the button in the Name field, the newly added symbols will appear in addition to those supplied.

See also FAQ 207 for the workspace directory.

FAQ 226