SEPA transfer

This page is almost identical for the payment types SEPA transfer, SEPA express payment and SEPA instant payment. In contrast to CCT, the order type CCU is used for express payments and CIP for instant payments. Please contact your bank for information on authorizations and lead times. In the case of the express payment, the fields for the ultimate originator and recipient are missing, as well as most of the values for the payment category and type.


This drop-down list displays all the accounts that you as the originator can use for this payment. In most cases, these are the same accounts that are displayed in the Accounts overview. However, it is possible that this list contains fewer accounts, for example, if you as a bank user do not have authorization for an account or an order type, or if for an account, details about the bank connection required for this payment type are missing.


Here you can enter the originator or select one that has already been recorded.

Ultimate originator

Here you can enter the name of the actual record originator for the payment, e.g. if it does not match the name of the account holder. This field is not available with the express payment.


Here you can select already recorded recipients from the drop-down list, which opens by clicking on the arrow to the right of the input field. You can also enter a new recipient, but only if Recipient recording is permitted in the preferences under Payment recording. There you can also set the maximum number of recipients to be displayed in the list.

Ultimate recipient

As is the case with the ultimate originator, you can also enter the name of the actual payment recipient here. This field is not available with the express payment.


The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) consists of a two character country code, e.g. DE or FR, followed by a two digit check-number and an up to 30-digit account identification, consisting of digits and the uppercase letters A-Z. In Germany, this is the combination of the 8-digit bank code and the 10-digit account number.

Note: Please always ask the payment recipient for this IBAN and do not use the calculation tools available in the Internet. These do not reflect the individual calculation methods used by the banks. This could potentially result in chargeable post-processing or a rejection of the payment.

The BIC (Bank Identifier Code) consists of a 4-digit master, which generally refers to the bank, followed by a two digit country code, a two digit filing number, and finally by a 3-digit branch office code or XXX for the national headquarters. The XXX can also be omitted.

In this field, autocompletion is available for the entry. This is described in chapter General - User interface - Detail pages.

The fields IBAN and BIC can only be edited if Recipient recording is allowed in the preferences under Payment recording.

Notes: The BIC is identical to the SWIFT code.

The BIC is mandatory for cross-border payments outside of the EU/EEA area.


As soon as you have entered a valid value for the IBAN or BIC, the name of the bank will appear in this read-only field. Clicking on the button below opens a dialog box in which you can enter a German account number and bank code (Bankleitzahl). The functions verification, auto-complete, and bank name display are also available for this purpose. After confirming the data entry, the IBAN and BIC are displayed in the corresponding fields.

Notes: You can switch off this button in the preferences under Payment recording - SEPA Payments.

The conversion is carried out according to the complete rules of the German Bundesbank for the determination of IBAN and BIC from the account number and the bank code for the German payment area. In particular, the specifications for the check digit calculation of account numbers are taken into account. As the data basis, the program uses the current Bundesbank bank code file. Thus, deletions and changes to bank sort codes are also included in the conversion.

Amount in Euro

Enter the amount in Euro here. Via the Discount button a dialog window is displayed, which lets you enter a discount value in percent. After that the new amount is calculated and displayed. Furthermore an entry about the discount is added to the field Intended purpose.

Note: With a setting in the preferences under SEPA payments you can allow amounts also in foreign currencies. Then, a drop-down list for entering the currency additionally appears here.
Intended purpose / Payment reference

With the radio button above this field you can choose whether to enter an intended purpose or a payment reference. With the intended purpose you can describe the reason for the payment in an unstructured way with up to 140 characters. The payment reference may contain up to 35 characters and is used for a structured specification, e.g. according to ISO 11649.

Payment category

Select a payment category from this drop-down list. This list is gathered from the ISO 20022 standard.

Payment type

This field corresponds to the text key, known from the German DTAUS payment, and is used to indicate the reason of a SEPA payment. The selected value is usually transmitted to the receiving bank and their final recipients and could possibly appear in the account statement. As with the Payment category this list is gathered from the ISO 20022 standard.

Notes: The fields Payment category and Payment type are optional and can be hidden via the preferences under SEPA payments.

In the case of the express payment, only the values CORT and INTC are available for these fields.

Instruction priority

Here you can set the priority of the payment execution to Normal or High. If there is no agreement with the respective bank in this regard, the value Normal will be assumed. Please contact your bank for possible applications.

Execution date

Enter the date here, when the payment shall be executed. If you create several payments with different execution dates and then sign them together, you will see these payments listed individually in the accompanying ticket.


Enter a reference number here. This will be forwarded to the owner of the receiving account.

Save recipient

If this checkbox is set, the entered receiver is saved, unless it has been selected from the drop-down list and has not been changed after that.

Display as single transaction in the account statement

Principally banks provide payments from a SEPA file only combined as a batched transaction in the account statement. If you want to see this payment as a separate transaction in the account statement, please activate the checkbox.

Figure: Form for entering a SEPA transfer