Sign order

On this page, you can check an order with the help of the displayed data before submitting it to the bank. For this purpose, you see the bank, payment method, the accompanying ticket and the payments contained in the order. The hash value is a string of characters that uniquely identifies the order. You can copy this and compare it with the hash value that is displayed when the order is signed in the EDS. This way you can ensure that the order you approve is really the same as the one you submitted previously. See the section EDS overview - EDS order details for this.

When sending orders via an EBICS 3.0 connection, you can enter an additional information, which is shown to the other users with signature authorization in the details view of the open EDS order, and afterwards also in the signed or cancelled EDS order. This information is not forwarded to the payment recipient.

The Print button allows you to download a PDF file containing the details of the order.

After clicking on Sign, a dialog box appears, where you must enter your password. This is the same as the one you used to log in to BL Banking Web. After a successful transfer, a message and a button to print the transmission report will be displayed in the overview of sent files.

Figure: Display for sending an order