Payment recording

Here you determine how payment entries will be handled. If not explicitly mentioned, the checkbox descriptions refer to the activated state.

Allow invalid bank connection

Herewith, payments with invalid IBAN and BIC, or account number and bank code respectively, can be recorded. For IBAN and BIC, however, the correct format is checked.

Create periodic payment in advance (in working days)

Determines on what business day before its due date the periodic payment is created as an open payment.

Maximum number of recipients in the popup menu

Here you can enter the maximum number of recipients shown in the drop-down list on the page for payment entry. If you have a very large number of recipients, you can restrict the list and thus limit the use of resources.

Display only payments for which permissions exist

Only payments, for which one has permissions, are displayed in the overviews Open payments and Signed payments.

Display signed payments from external files

If payments are sent directly from an external file, instead of being entered manually, these payments are displayed in the overview of signed payments, too.

Send payments separately

All payments are no longer collected into a single file and transmitted as a batch, but each payment is instead transmitted in its own file. By taking this step, your account statement shows each payment individually and not the total for a file that contains several items.

Note: We recommend that you do not activate this checkbox. In addition to a high number of individual transmissions and protocol entries, accompanied by a lack of clarity, this can also result in increased fees from your bank.
Update recipient data when selecting a name

In the dialog box for recording payments, the recipient can be selected from a drop-down list. In certain cases, e.g. after importing a payment file, the fields of a payment are already populated. Now, if you do not want that the recipient data in such a payment are updated by a selection from the drop-down list, you have to deactivate this checkbox.

Display selectable recipients with account number

You can select the recipient from a drop-down list when you enter a payment. If this checkbox is set, the recipient's account number will appear besides the name in the drop-down list.

Open another payment dialog after recording of a payment

Determines, whether after a successful payment entry, a new dialog box is displayed always, never, or only on request.

Print only one payment per page

Determines, whether each payment is printed on its own page when printing open or signed payments.

Print overview payments grouped

Payment overviews are displayed grouped by originator data, payment type and status.

Allow originator recording

If this option is deactivated, no new originator can be recorded. Also, when importing payment files, the originators contained cannot be taken over. When recording payments, there is no input field for the originator, but only a drop-down list that allows to select from the existing originators. The input fields connected to the originator, e.g. the creditor ID for SEPA debits, are deactivated.

Recipient recording

If you choose the value Not allowed, the same restrictions apply as described above for the originator recording. Furthermore, this prevents external payment files with recipients not entered in BL Banking Web from being imported or sent directly to the bank.

With the option four-eyes principle you can record recipients, but these must first be confirmed by another user before they can be selected during payment entry. Moreover, you can set the right for this confirmation in the user administration under Permissions individually for each user.

Allow unknown originator accounts during transmission of external files

If this checkbox is cleared, it is checked when sending external files, whether the originator accounts contained in the files actually exist in the overview of the accounts and if they really belong to the selected bank.

Show selectable accounts for originator with account name and IBAN

When recording a payment, the IBAN is shown in the drop-down list besides the name of the originator account.

Show column with IBAN of the originator

In the payment overviews, the account number or IBAN of the originator account is displayed additionally to the account name.

Show account number in recipient column

In the overview Open payments, the recipient IBAN is displayed for SEPA payments.

Unlock payments

When a user edits a payment, it is locked in the BL Banking Web database. If then a technical malfunction occurs, it may happen that the lock is not released. In such a case you can use this button to unlock the payment.

Figure: Settings for payment recording