
On this page, you can enter frequently used originators once, in order to be able to select them each time you enter payments. To create, click New originator and select the payment type, for which the originator shall be used. This will take you to the entry page, which is different for each payment type. Descriptions can be found in the sections below Record originator.

You can also create an originator, when you import an open or periodic payment. If you choose the option offered during import, the originator contained in the file is created automatically.

To edit an originator that has already been entered, click on the line in the overview. The page for editing will then be displayed. This is identical to the entry page, however here with the fields filled in.

The other two buttons are only activated if at least one line in the overview is selected. A click on Delete opens a dialog box, where the process must be confirmed. With Duplicate, copies of the selected originators are created.

Note: If multiple tenants are set up and the logged-in user is assigned to multiple tenants, there is the button All tenants on this page. If you click this, a drop-down list opens, which lets you select a tenant and thus reduce the overview to this one. Furthermore, in this case there is a drop-down list each on the pages for entering and editing, with which you can assign the originator to a tenant.

Figure: Overview of the originators