

You can turn the retrieval of notifications on and off with this checkbox. For instance, when your bank does not provide notifications, you can deactivate access and thus avoid error messages during downloads of notifications.

Last fetch

For each retrieval of notifications the date of the fetch is entered here. By setting a date of the past you can retrieve the notifications again.

Retrieval method

Basically, banks provide notifications per customer. If a user of a customer has retrieved the notifications from the provision (New), they are deleted there and cannot be retrieved anymore by another user of the same customer. If you are running BL Banking with several users in single-user installations, you should set From-To in this field in all installations. Each installation of this customer then requests the notifications from the date of the last fetch (see above field) at the bank. The notifications are then available in all single-user installations.

Fetch notifications

With the three lower checkboxes you can select the type of payment, for which messages shall be retrieved.