You can turn the retrieval of account statements, advices, credit advices for SEPA instant credit transfers and batched transaction files on and off with the Activate checkboxes. For instance, when your bank does not provide advices, you can deactivate access and thus avoid error messages during advice downloads.
The Format radio button gives you the ability to select between the SWIFT formats MT940 or MT942 and the XML formats camt.053 or camt.052 pursuant to ISO 20022 for account statements and advices. The retrieval type is also displayed for the respective format. The setting depends on which format is supported by your bank. Credit advices for SEPA instant credit transfers are only available in the format camt.054.
For each retrieval of account statements, advices and credit advices the date of the fetch is entered here. By setting a date of the past you can retrieve the statements again. This function is also available in the preferences for statements and advices. See the chapter General - Preferences - Account Information - Bank Settings for this.
Basically, banks provide account statements per customer. If a user of a customer has retrieved the account statements from the provision (New), they are deleted there and cannot be retrieved anymore by another user of the same customer. If you are running BL Banking with several users in single-user installations, you should set From-To in this field in all installations. Each installation of this customer then requests the account statements from the date of the last fetch (see above field) at the bank. The account statements are then available in all single-user installations. The same also applies to advices and credit advices.
There are two different methods, how banks provide advice files to their customers. At some banks the current advice always contains all bookings, whereas for other banks there are only the latest bookings in the current advice. Please configure the checkbox according to the advices the bank provides you. This way, you can prevent that adviced bookings appear twice or are overwritten.
Some banks announce bookings again that have already been advised, i.e. they repeat them on the following days until they are posted in the account statement. This causes the value date balances to be calculated incorrectly. Please check the box if you learn that your bank proceeds like this.
Further down, you can specify in addition to the settings described above, whether credit advices for SEPA instant credit transfers should be considered when calculating value date balances.
At the very bottom you can configure the retrieval of batched transaction files.
Figure: Retrieval settings for account statements, advices and batched transaction files