By deactivating this checkbox, you can turn off the retrieval of the electronic distributed signature (EDS) for the selected bank. This can be useful if this bank does not support EDS or hasn't granted you authority for it.
If the checkbox is activated, the data for the EDS overview are retrieved with the order type HVZ. Then, the respective values can be displayed in the columns Amount and Originator. However, if the selected bank only supports the order type HVU for the overview, deactivate the checkbox. In this case, the columns remain empty.
The EDS overview is described in the section Electronic distributed signature.
By setting this checkbox, you can specify for the selected bank, whether the customer protocol shall be transferred from the bank, when the EDS is retrieved. This way, it is possible to display orders, which were signed by other signature authorized users, in the Signed tab of the EDS overview. However then, not all information from the order is available, but only what is contained in the customer protocol.
This function is also available in the preferences under Electronic distributed signature - Bank settings. It makes no difference whether you perform the function here or there.
In this field, the date of the most recently transferred customer protocol after retrieving the EDS is displayed. By setting a date of the past, you can retrieve the protocol again from that date.